Friday, June 10, 2011

Seizing the Early Morning

It was the early morning sunrise that pulled me DOWN the hill at the start of my run this morning so that I could get a better picture of Lake Superior and the Slate Islands.  The sun doesn't rise over the lake any more, as it did in the winter, but the colours can still be so beautiful.

Once down the hill a ways, I thought I might turn this into a hill repeat workout so I continued to run down to the lake.  A side trail that I haven't taken for awhile beckoned, so I ran down it until I reached these cobbles.  Running on single track early in the morning when nobody knows where you are is probably not the best plan, but asking for a twisted ankle out there is pushing it too far.

So, a quick turnaround and back out to the main road...

with a quick pause to shoot some late marsh marigolds under the rickety bridge.

After the hills on the trail, I knew this was not the morning for hill repeats.  I just was not into it, so I snaked back through the subdivision (all uphill) to finish just under my goal of 5 km.

What a beautiful start to the day.

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