Today the run happened and I will focus on that.
It was quite warm (22C) and I wanted to avoid boredom so I did a favourite route just off Nelson road, through Eldorado Beach and into Amethyst Beach on the north shore of Lake Superior, where the breezes were actually too chilly at times, but the roads are mainly gravel, there is hardly any traffic, and the scenery is, in places, outstanding.
We are looking at the Sibley peninsula in the distance, and at the end of the peninsula is the Sleeping Giant.
As I was running back to the car, I saw this classic camp sign. Not everyone wants the whole world to know what family owns the camp!
So here are the stats. It was actually 12 km - but I neglected to restart my watch for awhile after stopping to take a picture. It's hard to cheat in an out and back though!
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