Sunday, May 6, 2012

16K Today

It was a perfect day for a long run.  I decided to just do it around the house - a great way to have lots of fluids and food ready on my pass bys.

My back was an issue for the entire run, so I took a few more breaks to stretch than I normally would.

I listened to my new favourite podcast - Marathon Training Academy - for much of the run, and I learned about the importance of grabbing carbs and protein right after your workout, to capitalize on building up your body's ability to store glycogen for future races.

First, though, a look at last night's amazing supermoon.  Unfortunately we have a lot of cloud tonight so I won't get another look.

The leaves are just starting to come out.  I hope that doesn't mean the black flies are going to follow!

The creek is still pretty high, even though we have had no rain for quite awhile.

And the stats for the day:

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Tempo Intervals - Week 1

I did it.

I trained tonight.

It was a late night at work, but I put it together.

My plan was a 1 km warmup then a 6 km tempo run @ 6 min/km pace, then a 1 km cool down.

All went according to plan except I forgot that I have a back injury, and treating that right required a break after each tempo kilo.

So, all in all not bad for a midweek run.

I did the  8 km out and back down to the end of the Bass Lake Rd.  Not very exciting, but a few things to share.

This is just a shot of the cutest beagle in the world being his tired self first thing this morning.

Aren't my new trail running shoes just amazing?

Can you find the grouse?  Three of these out on the run tonight.

An supersized ant hill.

After that run, I wish someone would but pie and coffee in my mailbox.

The Stats:

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

145 Days to Go

On Sunday evening (April 29) I watched Spirit of the Marathon on RadX and it reminded me of how long I have been waiting to run another marathon - of all the aborted attempts and all the failures.

I need a win.

Was it fate that put me behind this truck on the way to work yesterday?

I couldn't get very excited about the Miles with the Giant marathon when it was a double half-marathon, but there is a new course this year that has no repeated loops in it.  It's exciting.

So I have hauled out good ol' Hal Higdon's best advice again, and I will give it another go.

Did my first 5K in the rain with the beagle tonight.  I saw two beautiful big deer between the bridge and the 4-way.  My back held up for the first 3 K and then it was tweaky and sore.  I need to take my meds before heading out to control the swelling.

Now, will I nail down day two tomorrow?